
5 scientific tips on how to raise a successful child

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Everyone wants their child to become successful, achieve their goals and desires. But how to help him in this?

Scientists identify five strategies that really affect the child’s further behavior. These methods will help you to push your baby very loyally on the path of success!

Allocate the child’s household responsibilities

Researchers from La Trobe University in Australia learned how household chores affect the development of a child’s working memory. They divided household responsibilities into three categories: self-care, caring for other people and caring for pets. Studies have shown that children who were engaged not only in self-care, but also in other household chores, were more likely to demonstrate better academic performance and problem-solving skills. But the hassle of caring for pets did not affect the further development of children in any way.

Teach your child politeness

One paper looked at words like “please,” “thank you,” and “welcome.” Teaching children to say “please” when they ask for something can strengthen their propensity for politeness, which makes them more confident as they get older. The word “thank you” habitually encourages gratitude, which stimulates happiness and makes it easier to overcome stress.

Don’t forget about emotional intelligence

According to psychologists Rachel Katz and Helen Shwe Hadani, children who develop emotional intelligence are also “more likely to get a higher education, a good job and just be happy.”

There are many things you can do to develop emotional intelligence, but first of all, always ask the child about his ideas and try not to judge. And remember that children are children. It’s often unfair to expect them to react to things the way adults would.

Don’t ban video games

Some studies show that children who spend more than average time playing games end up with a higher IQ than those who spend their screen time watching videos or browsing social networks.

Modern children on average spend a huge amount of time chained to screens. However, scientists say that working and using a device (for example, games) is beneficial, but simply viewing content is not.

Help your child to understand his hobbies

Scientists have determined that passion (hobbies, developing sections, hobbies) is a more important factor for future success than discipline or logical tasks. “For people who are the best of the best in their field, passion is absolutely the most important factor. This is the most important key to success,” the authors wrote.

So let the kids explore different things to identify the ones they really like.

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