
How is it better to sleep: with a partner or alone?

Even in deep sleep, the human brain is not completely disconnected from the environment. That’s why scientists point to non-obvious factors that can improve your sleep.

A new study based on surveys and sleep assessments of more than 1,000 working-age adults in the United States suggests: sleeping with a partner has a special effect on the general state of a person upon awakening. Compared to those who slept alone, participants who shared a bed with a partner reported less fatigue and the ability to fall asleep faster and sleep longer. This group also had lower rates of depression, anxiety and stress.

The main thing is not to snore

“Sleeping just with a partner or even a spouse has a big impact on sleep health, including reducing the risk of sleep apnea, severity of insomnia and overall improvement in sleep quality,” says psychiatrist Brandon Fuentes from the University of Arizona. However, we note: it is not entirely clear whether the improvement in mental health is related to the benefits of sleeping together or to the quality of romantic relationships in general.

It may happen that a person simply thinks that he has become a better sleeper, although this is not the case. To eliminate the placebo effect, some studies have used smartwatches that record movements during sleep. One such study showed that movement increases at night when a person sleeps next to his partner, synchronizing with him.

What are the advantages?

If more movements are registered at night, this does not necessarily lead to poor sleep. Interpersonal synchronization is associated with pro-social behavior, social connections, and other positive effects that are beneficial for mental health. This is one of the reasons why research continues to find evidence that those who sleep in pairs feel the best during sleep.

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