
NASA has launched a telescope project that will search for life on other planets

NASA has supported a mission to create a telescope that can capture biosignals on nearby exoplanets. To do this, he will use the gravitational lens of the Sun.

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Instead of launching a large ship, which would take a lot of time, the authors of the concept propose to launch several small cubesats, which would independently assemble already in zero gravity and begin to move to the point of the solar gravitational lens (SGL).

This point is a straight line between any star around which the exoplanet orbits, and somewhere between 550-1000 AU on the other side of the Sun. This is a huge distance, much more than 156 AU, which Voyager 1 took 44 years to overcome.

To overcome such a long distance, the authors are going to use a gravitational push from the Sun — a proven and reliable method. The fastest object ever created by man, the Parker Solar Probe, used it.

It is not yet known which exoplanets are going to be studied with the help of the mission. At the moment, more than 50 exoplanets are located in the habitable zones of their stars.

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