Coronavirus pandemic: how does loneliness and isolation affect a person?
The coronavirus pandemic in 2020 revealed humanity from many different sides. And now, already in 2022, scientists can summarize the…
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Is it useful to exercise only on weekends?
How often, because of busy working days, have you been unable to allocate one hour for fitness or jogging in…
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How to eat to live up to the genetic limit: expert advice
Depending on which genes you received from birth, your body may have a long and healthy future that will stretch…
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Why don’t people have a maternal instinct
The mother feels affection for the child, but in the wild, these feelings are controlled by the so-called maternal instinct.…
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Сіль знижує тривалість життя, якщо її додавати в уже готову їжу
Згідно з дослідженням, проведеним за участю 500 000 британців середнього віку, додавання солі в їжу пов’язане з більш ранньою смертю.…
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Breast cancer spreads more aggressively at night
Breast cancer metastases form more efficiently when people go to bed, according to a new study. In a new study…
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How does a heart attack differ from a stroke
Both of these conditions can become fatal, but they have very important differences. Here’s what you need to know about…
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“Dumb” heart attack: what is it and how to recognize it
We are used to running to the doctor when it is simply impossible not to worry about our lives. However,…
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7 ways to cool off in the heat
At the height of summer, when hot days begin to exhaust, and there is no hiding from the sun’s rays,…
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What is the air temperature too high for a person
The temperature outside can be quite high, and periodically it becomes unsuitable for daily duties. Climate change continues to come…
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Why does it put ears and how to get rid of it
When you climb mountains or take off on an airplane, you can feel your ears pop. The feeling is unpleasant,…
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У США зареєстровано спалах лістерії
У США стався спалах лістерії, що стала причиною 22 госпіталізацій і однієї смерті. Подальше розслідування показало, що у всьому, ймовірно,…
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How to prolong youth: 10 tips to stay active and healthy at any age
Do you want to be cheerful and active at any age? Here are some tips on how to cope with…
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Nordic walking: pros and cons, rules
More and more often you can see people on the street who actively walk with special sticks in their hands…
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Bleeding gums: causes, consequences, how to treat
Do you see blood when you brush your teeth? It is better not to ignore this symptom and immediately figure…
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Забруднення навколишнього середовища збільшує ризик раку
Кількість хворих на рак в Європі зростає, і багато в чому це пов’язано із забрудненням навколишнього середовища: приблизно кожен 10-й…
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Інтервальне голодування сприяє відновленню пошкоджених нервів
Відновлення нейронів периферичної нервової системи сильно обмежена тривалою регенерацією їх аксонів – довгих відростків, що утворюють нервове волокно. Міжнародна група…
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What is fiber and why is it needed
We often hear about the beneficial properties of this substance, but what functions does it actually perform in our body?…
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Postpartum depression in men: signs, symptoms, causes
After the birth of a child, not only mothers of newborns, but also fathers can suffer from postpartum depression. Scientists…
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The effectiveness of acupuncture: the opinion of doctors
Acupuncture (acupuncture) refers to traditional Chinese medicine. But does this method really help? And what do scientists say about this?…
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Skin diseases: what influences the appearance of psoriasis?
A new study has shown that the female hormone estradiol suppresses psoriasis. Perhaps the discovery will allow us to develop…
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Полівітаміни та харчові добавки – марна трата грошей для більшості людей
Полівітаміни і харчові добавки, які приймає величезна кількість людей для поліпшення свого здоров’я, — це просто марна трата грошей. Принаймні,…
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What foods are actually not good for health
Scientists are constantly making new discoveries about the impact of individual products on our health. Periodically, it turns out that…
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The harm of milk and the link with cancer
Milk is a part of the life of billions of people on the planet. It is certain that millions of…
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Immune age: what is it and how is it determined
We usually use the date of birth to determine a person’s age, but scientists think that this metric is already…
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How vitamin D is linked to dementia and stroke
Researchers from The University of South Australia has found a link between vitamin D deficiency and an increased risk of dementia…
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На сколько опасна спастичность
Спастичность представляет собой неврологическое нарушение, которое характеризуется болью, скованностью мышц, нарушением двигательных функций, потерей объемов суставов. Часто данное состояние провоцирует…
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Cigarette smoke damages the skin just by touching it
It has long been known that smoking harms almost all human organs, including the skin. Cigarette smoke causes premature aging…
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A healthy human brain warms up to 41 °C. This is the fever temperature
A new study has shown that our brains work faster than previously thought. Scientists have stated that some areas of…
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Стоматологічна клініка Symmetrica: здоров’я та краса вашої посмішки
Посмішка належить до тих окрас людини, які знаходяться з нею постійно. Красиві рівні зуби є ознакою доглянутості та турботи про…
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